Call today to learn about free adult reading, math, GED and English language programs available in your community.
Warroad ABE is a state-wide system that serves adults who are working towards a high school credential, learning English, improving basic skills such as literacy and math, and/or preparing for post-secondary education or employment.
ABE Instructor: Traci Pederson -763-453-0322 or aeducation@nwservice.org
Anyone 17 or older and not enrolled in high school.
And must meet one or both of the following criteria:
lacks a secondary (high school) credential
functions below the 12th grade level in any of the basic academic areas including reading, math, and ability to read, write and understand English.
Achieve a High School Equivalency (GED or Diploma)
If you were finished with high school before you graduated, you're not alone. ABE can help you get a high school diploma or GEB!
The 2014 GEDⓇ test is designed to measure the skills and knowledge equivalent to a high school course of study and supports an adult's successful transition to careers or college. The GEDⓇ test has four content areas and takes roughly seven and a half hours to complete. There are 5 sub-tests in the GED test battery:
Language Arts / Reading
Language Arts / Writing
Social Studies
MN Standard Adult High School Diploma
Minnesota's new state adult high school diploma is a standard competency-based diploma that is a standard competency-based diploma that is issued by the state department of education for adults that complete an approved ABE program. Adult diploma students may successfully complete each competency through one of the following ways:
Prior Experience-Based Competency Verification (K-12, post-secondary or other experiences)
Test-Verification Knowledge (approved standardized assessment for high schools, secondary credentials, ABE programs and/or post-secondary entrance exams)
ABE Course Demonstration (classes that combine academic college and career content, like special adult diploma classes, GED preparation, etc.)
Applied and Experiential Learning (through an approved project, like the National External Diploma Program)
Build Basic Literacy Skills
Basic skills classes (also sometimes called "brush-ups") are for students who need elementary- or secondary- level basic skills including math and literacy. Sometimes basic skills students have a particular life-goal that is not strictly academic, such as developing math skills to manage personal banking, or brushing up on writing to be able to fill out reports on the job. Other times basic skills classes are prerequisite for individuals who hope to go on to earn a secondary (high school) credential, but whose skills in one or more areas are too low for GED or Adult Diploma classes.
ABE offers six levels of basic skills instruction for students in the areas of Reading and Math.
SoftSkills Pro - Build Employability Skills
Today's employers are seeking more than just technical knowledge of the job, they are looking for employees who are willing to work as team players, have strong communication skills, work ethics, problem solving skills, leadership and a positive attitude. SoftSkillsPro prepares participants to enter the workforce with essential skills needed for employment. Here is how it works:
Get Ready.
The Work and Life Essentials (WLE) Course is an interactive soft skills curriculum aligned with the employability traits that all industries look for when hiring new employees. Soft Skill modules include:
Attitude - Character- Interpersonal Connection- Diversity and Cultural Awareness- Appearance and Etiquette- Time Management-Teamwork- Service Excellence-Critical Thinking and Problem Solving- Leadership
Get Prepped.
Career PREP gives participants the opportunity to create a portfolio filled with professional development badges and information they can carry with them, including:
Personality Assessment- Cover Letter- Interview Skills- Smart Goal Setting- Resume Building
Upon completion of the WLE credential (above), participants have the opportunity to earn their Soft Skills Pro industry certificate based on successful demonstration of the 10 soft skills in the workplace!
Learn to Speak, Read, and Write in English- (English as a Second Language-ESL)
We teach our students English and get a free tour of another country, all without the jet lag! Adult Basic Education works with students from dozens of countries speaking multiple languages. We can help you! English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction is provided for immigrants and refugees who are learning English.
ABE offers 6 levels of ESL classes to help students develop speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar skills to communicate effectively in English within the community, including on the job, at their children's school, in the doctor's office, in community meetings or neighborhood gatherings, on public transortation and anywhere else that English is needed!
Citizenship-Prepare to Become a U.S. Citizen
Citizenship classes prepare permanent residents for the naturalization process and exam, as well as the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. ABE programs offering citizenship classes typically require a student to be co-enrolled in ESL or other ABE classes. To be eligible to apply for U.S. Citizenship, you must be:
At least 18 years old
A Permanent Resident (green card holder) of the United States for at least 5 years, or 3 years if married to a U.S. Citizen
Able to read, write, and speak basic English
A person of good, moral character