Early Learners’ Center Families,
Warroad Schools will resume Early Learners’ Center classes Monday, December 7th.
We are eager to provide ELC learners with the opportunity to join the in person learning experience with their teachers beginning Monday, December 7th. Review the following information and provisions as in person learning resumes in for Early Learners:
Learner Experience: Students will participate in learning activities to grow their academic, social, and emotional skills in classrooms, common area spaces, gymnasium, and outdoor environments.
Health and Safety:
Families are reminded to use the COVID-19 Symptoms Screening Tool for Families questionnaire prior to sending children to school each day.
ELC students may choose to wear face coverings; school staff are required to wear face coverings.
School staff will escort students into the building and to dismissal locations. Families should remain outside the school building, distance from others, and wear face coverings.
Indoor school spaces are sanitized daily.
Continue to report illnesses and quarantines related to COVID-19 to Licensed School Nurse Deb Landin at 218-386-6044 (Health Office) or 218-242-2583 (cell).
School Schedule: School hours continue to be consistent with your child’s class assignment. The ELC Entrance Area will be open beginning at 7:30 a.m. for student drop off. Parents are asked to remain outdoors. School staff will be available to bring students into the building.
Dismissal time will be consistent with your child’s class assignment. Please note Wednesday dismissal is 11:30 a.m. Parents are asked to wait outdoors, wear a face covering, and distance from others when picking up learners.
Transportation: ISD#690 is unable to provide school transportation during the Elementary and High School Distance Learning period. Families will need to transport children to and from school Monday, December 7, 2020, through Thursday, January 14, 2021.
Meals: School meals are free for ALL students throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
Families may request meal delivery on scheduled school days when ELC programming is not being accessed. School buses will drop meals off at bus stops 4 hours later than the morning pickup time. Students should pick up meals at their morning bus stop location. Students who do not normally ride the morning bus, but want meals should contact the Transportation Department at 218-386-1153 to schedule a drop-off time.
Conferences: Parent - Teacher Conferences will be held in a virtual format. Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2020, and Thursday, December 17, 2020. ELC teachers will be in contact with families to schedule conference times.
Student Services: All students will continue to have access to the school counselor, support staff, and school nurse, as requested by students/families. Please call or email if additional assistance is requested.
ELC Fees: Families are encouraged to log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to view current ELC fees. Payment of class fees may be completed online or through the Community Education Office. Note fee statements have been mailed. Trimester 1 (September, October, November) fee payment is due at this time.
Distance Learning Option: ELC families may opt for their child to be enrolled as a distance learner. The ELC distance learning teacher will establish individual schedules with families. Learning activities and growth will be tracked consistent with the in-person experience. To enroll as a Distance Learner, contact the Community Education Office for the enrollment form. ELC fees will be assessed for Distance Learning.
Wee Warriors: Families registered for Wee Warriors for the 2020-2021 school year may continue to access ISD#690’s ELC enrichment programming. Students will be organized into small groups of 9 students to 1 adult. The number of students who can attend Wee Warriors is limited with a current waiting list. New registration requests for Wee Warriors should be communicated with the Community Education Office by calling: 218-386-6028.
Athletics and Activities: Per the Executive Order 20-99, athletics and Community Education including ECFE activities are on “pause” through December 18, 2020. As programming updates are made available, information will be communicated by Activities Director Mark Chamernick.
Early learning requires a partnership between the ELC staff and families; the support students’ receive from their family is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your partnership with the educators of ISD#690 to check in with your child to support their learning, health, and wellness. We understand how difficult this time can be. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Promoting the health and safety of all students, families, staff, and the entire Warroad community is a priority. Thank you for helping us keep our community of learners safe. Together we will watch ELC learners grow!
Brita Comstock
Warroad Elementary/ELC Principal
Mark Chamernick
Warroad Schools’ Community Education Director